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Showing posts with label Effected. Show all posts

Risk factors of Malignancy Cancer

Risk factors of Malignancy Cancer
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Customary danger variables of creating harm incorporate smoking, sun openness and, having a past filled with disease in the family. Other danger factors incorporate creating post-relocate harm which happens resulting to strong organ transplantations.


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A few exploration bunches are examining malignancy undifferentiated cells and their capability to cause growths alongside qualities and proteins causative in various phenotypes. Radiotherapy for random conditions might be an uncommon cause.

A little exaggerated marker chromosome or a goliath bar chromosome is available in the growth cells of poor quality OS including second rate focal OS and paraosteal OS (see beneath Variants section), convey different conceivably favorable to malignant qualities, and are thought to add to the improvement of these OS. Small effusive marker chromosomes and monster pole chromosomes in osteosarcomas.

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Familial situations - where the cancellation of chromosome 13q14 inactivates the retinoblastoma quality is related with a high danger of osteosarcoma advancement. 

Bone dysplasias - including Paget's illness of bone, stringy dysplasia, enchondromatosis, and genetic various exostoses, increment the danger of osteosarcoma. 

Li–Fraumeni disorder (germline TP53 change) - is an inclining factor for osteosarcoma improvement. 

Rothmund – Thomson disorder (for example autosomal latent relationship of innate bone imperfections, hair and skin dysplasias, hypogonadism, and waterfalls) is related with expanded danger of this infection. 

Huge portions of Sr-90 - nicknamed bone searcher, expands the danger of bone disease and leukemia in creatures and is ventured to do as such in people.

There is no reasonable relationship between water fluoridation and malignant growth or passing because of disease, both for malignancy overall and furthermore explicitly for bone disease and osteosarcoma. Series of examination presumed that centralization of fluoride in water doesn't connect with osteosarcoma. The convictions in regards to relationship of fluoride openness and osteosarcoma come from an investigation of US National Toxicology program in 1990, which showed dubious proof of relationship of fluoride and osteosarcoma in male rodents. Be that as it may, there is still no strong proof of malignancy causing propensity of fluoride in mice. Fluoridation of water has been drilled all throughout the planet to work on residents' dental wellbeing. It is likewise considered as significant wellbeing success. Fluoride focus levels in water supplies are controlled, for example, United States Environmental Protection Agency directs fluoride levels to not be more noteworthy than 4 milligrams for each liter. Actually, water supplies as of now have normal happening fluoride, however numerous networks decided to add more fluoride to the point that it can diminish tooth decay. Fluoride is additionally known for its capacity to cause new bone formation. Yet, further examination shows no osteosarcoma hazards from fluoridated water in humans. Most of the exploration included counting number of osteosarcoma patients cases specifically regions which has contrast convergences of fluoride in drinking water. The measurement investigation of the information shows no huge distinction in events of osteosarcoma cases in various fluoridated regions. Another significant exploration included gathering bone examples from osteosarcoma patients to gauge fluoride fixation and contrast them with bone examples of recently analyzed threatening bone growths. The outcome is that the middle fluoride focuses in bone examples of osteosarcoma patients and cancer controls are not essentially different. Not just fluoride fixation in bones, Fluoride openings of osteosarcoma patients are likewise shown to be not fundamentally unique in relation to solid individuals. 


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Tobacco is the major cause and reason of Cancer. Approximately, 22% of death caused by Tobacco. About 10% are coz of obesity, poor-diet, lack of physical activity, excessive intake of alcohol, substance-use or addiction. Other factors include certain infections, exposure to ionizing radiation, and environmental pollutants. In the developing world, 15% of cancers are coz of infections such as Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis-B, hepatitis-C, human papillomavirus infection, Epstein-Barr virus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Approximately, 5% - 10% of cancers are due to inherits genetic defects. Cancer can be detected by certain Signs and Symptoms or screening tests. It is then typically further investigated by medical imaging, and confirmed by biopsy.


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CANCER, can be defined as the cluster of diseases which includes abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. These contrast benign tumors, which do not spread. Possible Signs and Symptoms include a lump, abnormal bleeding, prolonged cough, reduction in weight loss, abnormal pattern of bowel movements. While these Signs and Symptoms, may indicate cancer, they may also cause other reasons. 

There are more than 100 types of cancers.

How did Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) affect/influence/impact to the people ?

How did Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) affect/influence/impact to the people ?
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In 2015, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) influenced 110 million people which leads to 8.9.million deaths. It makes up 15.6% of all deaths, by making it the most common cause and reason of death World-Wide. The risk of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), for a given age decreased from 1980 to 2010, especially in developed countries. The number of cases of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), also decreased from 1990 to 2010.

In the United States in 2010, approximately 20% of those people over 65 had Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), where currently, it is 7% of those people 45 to 64, and 1.3 % of those people 18 to 45.

These rates were common among men than women of a given a particular age. 

FOURTH WAVE - Spanich Flu


In spring 1920, The fourth wave, occurred in isolated areas including New York, Switzerland and some South American Islands. New York city alone reported 6,374 deaths between December 1919 - April 1920, almost twice the number in first wave in 1918. Other US cities including Detroit, Kansas city, St. Louis and other cities as well were hit particularly hard, with deaths rate higher than of all 1918. Peru experienced the late wave of early 1920, and Japan had one from late 1919 to 1920, with the late cases in March. In Europe five countries ( Spain, Denmark, Finland, Germany and Switzerland.) recorded a late peak of January - April 1920.

....with this there is a end of SPANICH FLU'S WAVE.. 😜 😜 😜

SECOND WAVE - Spanish Flu

Deadly 2nd Wave of late 1918 :

The second wave began in the second half of August 1918, probably Boston and Freetown, Sierra Leone by ships from the Brest, where it had likely arrived with American troops or French recruits for naval training. 

The second wave of the 1918 pandemic was much more deadly than the first. The first wave had resembled typical flu's epidemics; those most at risk were sick and elderly, while younger, healthier people recovered easily. October 1918 was the month was the highest fatality rate of the whole pandemic. In the United States ~2,92,000 deaths were reported between September - December 1918, compared to ~26000 during the same period in 1915. The Netherlands reported 40,000+ deaths from influenza and acute respiratory disease. Mumbai reported ~15,000 deaths in a population of 1.1 million. The 1918 flu pandemic in India was especially deathly with the estimated 12.5-20 million deaths in the first quarter alone. next article we'll discuss regarding 3rd wave of SPANICH FLU... 😜 😜 😜


In 1918, a pandemic which affected the people worldwide, a Spanish Flualso known as the Great influenza epidemic or 1918 influenza pandemic, was exceptionally deadly life-threatening universally influenza pandemic caused by H1N1 influenza virus. The premature cases was found in France, Germany and United kingdom in April. After 2 years, approximately, two-third of population around 500 million world-wide infected, was infected in four successive waves.

Description of Spanish Flu :

Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill the young and old, with higher survival rates in between, but this pandemic had unusually high morality among young adults. The virus was particularly deadly coz it triggered a cytokine storm, ravaging the stronger immune system of young adults; although the virus infection was apparently no more aggressive than previously influenza strains. Malnourishment, over_crowded medical camps and hospitals, and poor hygiene, promoted bacterial superinfection, killing most of the victims after a typically prolonged death bed.

In 1918, Spanich Flu, was the first of three flu pandemics caused by H1N1 influenza A virus; the most recent one is COVID-19, Corona virus spread by virus. In 1977, the Russian Flu was also spread by H1N1 virus, but it mostly affected the younger population.

...... in next article, we'll continue with this topic... 😝 😜


 There are 5 types of disease :

  • Pandemic diseases : A pandemic disease is a disease outbreak that spreads to more people than experts would expect. It usually larger area than outbreak. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 when it became cleared that illness was severe and it was spreading in more wide area. Number of lives lost in pandemic can be measured by :
  1. How many people are infected
  2. How severe of an illness the virus causes ?
  3. How vulnerable certain groups of people are ?
  4. Prevention efforts & how effective they are ?
  • Infectious diseases : Infectious disease caused by micro-organisms such as bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites. Many micro-organisms live on our body. They can either harmful and dangerous or may be beneficial. But these organisms somehow may cause disease. they spread from person to person.
  • Deficiency diseases : Deficiency disease caused by lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in our day to day meal/diet.
  • Hereditary diseases : A hereditary disease is often described when someone "runs in a family." It is passed down one to both parents to a child. It includes both genetic diseases and non-genetic hereditary diseases.
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  • Psychological diseases : Mental illness are known as mental disorder diseases refers to extensive scale of mental health conditions - disorders that affect mood, thinking and attitude. Examples od mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive disorders.


What is disease ?


Disease, is a specific or definite anomalous state i.e., adversely and weakly influence the frame, physical structure and functioning of all or part of organism which is not coz of instant superficial damage. 

Disease are frequently called dysfunction that are associated with particular manifestation.
A disease can be spread by exotic such as bacillus or other internal disorder. For example - internal disorder of immune system can produce a variety of diseases includes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, allergies, hyper acuity, immune failure, mental defect. 
In humans, disease are frequently symptoms such as pain, stress, mental or physical disorder, social problems or death to the person suffered or similar problems suffered by near-by person in case, the disease is communicable. In the widest sense, it includes superficial damage, disabilities, disorder, syndromes, infections, isolated symptoms, behaviors & attitude.
Diseases may vary affect the people mentally, physically or may for life-time lasting. Death caused by disease is called natural death. The more sickness is feel in disease such as depression,  neuropsychiatric, anxiety and bipolar-disorder as well.
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