In 1918, a pandemic which affected the people worldwide, a Spanish Flualso known as the Great influenza epidemic or 1918 influenza pandemic, was exceptionally deadly life-threatening universally influenza pandemic caused by H1N1 influenza virus. The premature cases was found in France, Germany and United kingdom in April. After 2 years, approximately, two-third of population around 500 million world-wide infected, was infected in four successive waves.

Description of Spanish Flu :

Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill the young and old, with higher survival rates in between, but this pandemic had unusually high morality among young adults. The virus was particularly deadly coz it triggered a cytokine storm, ravaging the stronger immune system of young adults; although the virus infection was apparently no more aggressive than previously influenza strains. Malnourishment, over_crowded medical camps and hospitals, and poor hygiene, promoted bacterial superinfection, killing most of the victims after a typically prolonged death bed.

In 1918, Spanich Flu, was the first of three flu pandemics caused by H1N1 influenza A virus; the most recent one is COVID-19, Corona virus spread by virus. In 1977, the Russian Flu was also spread by H1N1 virus, but it mostly affected the younger population.

...... in next article, we'll continue with this topic... 😝 😜

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