Showing posts with label Black death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black death. Show all posts


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An ependymoma is a tumor that arises from the ependyma, a tissue of the vital anxious machine. Usually, in pediatric cases the region is intracranial, even as in adults it's miles spinal. The not unusual area of intracranial ependymomas is the fourth ventricle. Rarely, ependymomas can arise inside the pelvic cavity.


Image Source-Google | Image by- | chapelboro

The word cancer or growth comes from the Latin word for expanding, which is one of the cardinal indications of aggravation. The word initially alluded to any type of expanding, neoplastic or not. In current English, cancer is utilized as an equivalent for neoplasm (a strong or liquid filled cystic injury that could possibly be framed by a strange development of neoplastic cells) that seems extended in size.Some neoplasms don't shape a growth - these remember leukemia and most types of carcinoma for situ. Growth is additionally not inseparable from disease. While disease is by definition dangerous, a cancer can be harmless, precancerous, or threatening.

The terms mass and knob are frequently utilized equivalently with cancer. As a rule, in any case, the term cancer is utilized conventionally, without reference to the actual size of the lesion. More explicitly, the term mass is frequently utilized when the sore has a maximal breadth of something like 20 millimeters (mm) in most noteworthy heading, while the term knob is typically utilized when the size of the injury is under 20 mm in its most noteworthy aspect (25.4 mm = 1 inch).


Image Source-Google | Image by- | aacr

A neoplasm (/ˈniːoʊplæzəm, ˈniə-/) is a sort of unusual and inordinate development of tissue. The cycle that happens to frame or create a neoplasm is called neoplasia. The development of a neoplasm is awkward with that of the typical encompassing tissue, and continues developing strangely, regardless of whether the first trigger is removed. This unusual development ordinarily shapes a mass, when it very well might be known as a tumor.

Treatment of Leiomyosarcoma (LMS)

Treatment of Leiomyosarcoma (LMS)
Image Source-Google | Image by- | micro.magnet

Medical procedure, with as wide an edge of expulsion as could really be expected, has commonly been the best and favored way of assaulting LMS. On the off chance that careful edges are limited or not satisfactory of growth, in any case, or in certain circumstances where cancer cells were abandoned, chemotherapy or radiation has been displayed to give an unmistakable endurance benefit. While LMS will in general be impervious to radiation and chemotherapy, each case is unique and results can differ broadly. 

For metastatic (boundless) illness, chemotherapy and designated treatments are the best options. Chemotherapy regimens are include: doxorubicin/ifosfamide and doxorubicin blend/gemcitabine and docetaxel/trabectedin; pazopanib is the designated treatment utilized in metastatic leiomyosarcoma as second line and is well tolerated.

LMS of uterine beginning frequently reacts to hormonal treatments. As of 2020, a few clinical preliminaries for uterine LMS are active.

How does the Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) describe in Children/Adolescence/Youth/Childhood ?

How does the Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) describe in Children/Adolescence/Youth/Childhood ?
Image Source-Google | Image by- | nature

Rhabdomyosarcoma is for the most part viewed as an infection of youth, as by far most of cases happen in those beneath the age of 18. It is regularly portrayed as one of the little blue-round-cell cancers of adolescence because of its appearance on a H&E stain. Despite being moderately uncommon, it represents roughly 40% of all recorded delicate tissue sarcomas.

FOURTH WAVE - Spanich Flu


In spring 1920, The fourth wave, occurred in isolated areas including New York, Switzerland and some South American Islands. New York city alone reported 6,374 deaths between December 1919 - April 1920, almost twice the number in first wave in 1918. Other US cities including Detroit, Kansas city, St. Louis and other cities as well were hit particularly hard, with deaths rate higher than of all 1918. Peru experienced the late wave of early 1920, and Japan had one from late 1919 to 1920, with the late cases in March. In Europe five countries ( Spain, Denmark, Finland, Germany and Switzerland.) recorded a late peak of January - April 1920.

....with this there is a end of SPANICH FLU'S WAVE.. 😜 😜 😜


In 1918, a pandemic which affected the people worldwide, a Spanish Flualso known as the Great influenza epidemic or 1918 influenza pandemic, was exceptionally deadly life-threatening universally influenza pandemic caused by H1N1 influenza virus. The premature cases was found in France, Germany and United kingdom in April. After 2 years, approximately, two-third of population around 500 million world-wide infected, was infected in four successive waves.

Description of Spanish Flu :

Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill the young and old, with higher survival rates in between, but this pandemic had unusually high morality among young adults. The virus was particularly deadly coz it triggered a cytokine storm, ravaging the stronger immune system of young adults; although the virus infection was apparently no more aggressive than previously influenza strains. Malnourishment, over_crowded medical camps and hospitals, and poor hygiene, promoted bacterial superinfection, killing most of the victims after a typically prolonged death bed.

In 1918, Spanich Flu, was the first of three flu pandemics caused by H1N1 influenza A virus; the most recent one is COVID-19, Corona virus spread by virus. In 1977, the Russian Flu was also spread by H1N1 virus, but it mostly affected the younger population.

...... in next article, we'll continue with this topic... 😝 😜


In human history, there have been number of pandemics of diseases such as small-pox; the most deadly, tragic and incurable pandemic experienced in history/ancient time, was the
 "Black death(was known for plaque), which was killed 75-200 million people worldwide in 14th century. It was caused by the bacterium yersinia pesttis and may also caused by septicaemic or pneumonia plaques. 

It was the origination of the second plaque pandemic. The plaque spread social, religious and economic upheavals, with increasing and expanding influence on the course of European history. This pandemic originated either in Central-Asia or East-Asia, but it's first appearance was seen in Crimea in 1347; it was most likely carried by fleas living on the black rats on Genoese slave ships spreading through Mediterranean Basin reaching Africa, Western-Asia and the rest of Europe via.

The black death was the most great natural disaster to strike Europe during the late middle ages (the first was being the Great Famine of 1315-1317) and is estimated to have killed approximately 30 percent to 60 percent of European population. The plaque also might have reduced the World's population approximately 475 million to 350-375 million in the 14th century.

Description/Explanation of Black death/Plaque :

It was identified and sanctioned that an epidemiological account of plaque is as predominant as an recognization of symptoms, but researchers are hampered by the lack of reliable statistics from the period. Archaeologist Barney Sloane argued that there is insufficient evidences and proofs of the extinction of numerous rats in the Archaeological records of the medieval waterfront in London and the disease spread too quickly to support the thesis that Y. Pestis was spread from fleas on rats; he argued that transmission must have been from person to person.  This theory is reported by research in 2018 which suggested transmission was more likely by body lice and fleas during the second plaque pandemic.


With past experience & evidences, intellectual discussion and argumentation, no single evidences has achieved any solution; World-Wide accepted.

......At the end, Finally & Eventually, "Plaque is plaque." 😉 😜 😜


A Pandemic disease is an epidemic, infestation or outbreak of infectious, toxic and communicable disease that spread and expand across a enormous area, for instance numerous continents, internationally and globally affecting a considerable and significant number of people. This globally endemic disease with a stable number of infected people is not a pandemic. 

In human history, there have been number of pandemics of diseases such as small-pox; the most deadly, tragic and incurable pandemic experienced in history/ancient time, was the "Black death" (was known for plaque), which was killed 75-200 million people worldwide in 14th century. It was caused by the bacterium yersinia pesttis and may also caused by septicaemic or pneumonia plaques. 

In 1918, a pandemic which affected the people worldwide, a Spanish Flu, also known as the Great influenza epidemic or 1918 influenza pandemic, was exceptionally deadly life-threatening universally influenza pandemic caused by H1N1 influenza virus. The premature cases was found in France, Germany and United kingdom in April. After 2 years, approximately, two-third of population around 500 million world-wide infected, was infected in four successive waves.

Contemporarily, pandemics include Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS & COVID-19. 

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is deadly epidemic disease spread by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-COV 2). It's mainland, engendered and implanted found in Wuhan, China, December 2019. This disease has since caused globally and internationally, leading to ongoing pandemic - it's about to 3rd wave come.

Human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a range and stretch of condition caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a retrovirus. These symptoms may be experienced or notices by earlier stage or may suffer a brief period of influenza-like symptoms.

Tuberculosis (TB), is a infectious disease generally caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) bacteria. It mainly affects the lungs or may influence other parts of the body. next articles, we'll discuss in details on theses topics.... 😋 😋 😋